AWS Developer Tools Blog

Release: AWS SDK for Java 1.6.0

We released version 1.6.0 of the AWS SDK for Java last Friday. This version has some exciting features!

  • A new type of POJO attribute named S3Link for the DynamoDBMapper class. This new attribute allows you to easily work with binary data in Amazon S3 and store links to that data in Amazon DynamoDB.
  • The Amazon CloudSearch client now supports setting the text processor for TextOptions.
  • The Amazon CloudFront client now allows you to display custom error pages for origin errors and control how long error responses are cached.
  • Many new enums for common string values in the Amazon EC2 client. You now have these string values at your fingertips in the SDK and in the SDK documentation, instead of having to go to the Amazon EC2 API Reference to search for them.

Download the latest release of the AWS SDK for Java now!